Tuesday, October 24 • 2:00pm - 2:50pm
PRO Workshop (API): Accelerate Your Application Development Lifecycle with Hasura

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Akshay Bhat, Hasura, Ensuring Developer and Enterprise success

In the era of modern software development, APIs have become the foundation for building scalable and interconnected applications. API-First Development is an approach that places APIs at the core of the development process, enabling teams to design, develop, and deploy applications more efficiently. Join this informative session on API-First Development at the API Lifecycle track, where we will explore the principles, benefits, and best practices of this transformative approach.

During this session, we will delve into the following key topics:

Understanding API-First Development: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the API-First Development approach, where APIs are designed and documented before the application development begins. Learn how this mindset shift enhances collaboration, improves agility, and facilitates better communication between cross-functional teams.

API Design Best Practices: Explore the fundamentals of designing APIs that are intuitive, flexible, and future-proof. Discover industry best practices for creating clear and consistent API specifications, leveraging industry standards like OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger), and ensuring optimal developer experience.

Documentation and Mocking: Learn how to create comprehensive API documentation that serves as a single source of truth for developers. Discover the importance of API mocking to enable parallel development and testing, allowing frontend and backend teams to work independently and accelerate the development cycle.

Continuous Integration and Deployment: Explore strategies for integrating APIs into your CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated testing, versioning, and deployment. Understand how API contracts and contract testing can ensure compatibility and reliability as your application evolves.

Developer Experience and SDKs: Discover techniques to enhance the developer experience by providing SDKs, client libraries, and interactive tools that streamline API integration and reduce developer friction. Learn how to empower developers with code generation, API sandboxes, and real-time collaboration features.

Join us to uncover the power of API-First Development and learn how it can revolutionize your application development lifecycle. Through real-world examples, best practices, and practical insights, we will equip you with the knowledge and tools to embrace API-First Development and drive innovation in your organization.

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Akshay Bhat

Ensuring Developer and Enterprise success, Hasura
With a strong background in technology and a passion for empowering developers, Akshay Bhat is a seasoned Developer Advocate at Hasura. Graduating from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, Akshay Bhat has gained a comprehensive understanding of software engineering... Read More →

Tuesday October 24, 2023 2:00pm - 2:50pm PDT
API World -- Workshop Stage B